Before presenting the results, it is important to note the characteristics of the 2007 harvest. A very late spring frost (May 19th) caused widespread damage to emerging flowers. Nutting was considerably reduced when compared to 2006. Selection of trees was made initially on low expressed leaf-disease scores, then adjusted in total number for the number of trees that actually gave a sample big enough to ensure sufficient nuts for on-planting. The area selected for planting of this F1 material was big enough for a randomized complete block study of 25 lines replicated 11 times. The planted sample (two nuts per location) thus consisted of nuts from the 25 maternal trees with characteristics (traits) considered most interesting (low disease scores, high nut number in a low nut number year, precocious trees – nutting at a small size/young age, range in nut sizes, etc). As no cracking analysis had been done to date on-farm, there was no prior knowledge of kernel weights or percentages.
The mean nut weight (NW) was 15g, and the mean kernel weight was 2.5g. By themselves, these values don’t tell much about the sample. The following histogram indicates the distribution of KW. NW ranged from about 7.6g to 18.8g. Kernel weight (KW) similarly ranged from 1.7g to 3.9g (line 1-1-17), though NW and KW are not directly correlated, i.e. lowest NW did not exhibit lowest KW, nor highest NW the highest KW.
But I’ve left the best to last. The sample showed a mean kernel percentage (K%) of 22%, calculated from KW as a percentage of NW. Also shown as a histogram, we can see that almost 25% of the trees showed a very respectable K% of 25% or more. The highest recorded K% was over 28% (line 1-9-23). This was far higher than I expected to find in this sample. I had expected a mean K% of about 20%, with perhaps the top line approaching 24%. These expectations are the results of earlier surveys I’ve done off-farm where I’ve had many more trees in the sample, and mainly where lowest K% was far lower ( ~12%). But it is actually quite exciting to find 28% kernel, because the probability is that we shall eventually find higher values. Again, K% is not correlated with NW or KW. In fact, the highest K% was found in a line with mean NW <10g,>
If we complete the analysis by calculating kernel yield per tree (KY, by multiplying KW by the number of nuts per tree; no of nut data is lacking for two lines), we once again find a re-ordering of lines. Line 1-1-14 yielded 1.34kg of kernel. The tree with highest KW (1-1-17) yielded 0.45kg, and the tree with highest K% (1-9-23) yielded 0.32kg. As economic yield will be more closely related to KY, the other parameters of KW and K% become less critical in our selection focus.
Grafted named selections in the
The premise underlying our biomass approach to nut production is that there will be enough trees in the overall population with traits of sufficient value to exploit multiple income streams. To date we can characterize these streams as kernel, shell, and sequestered carbon. We have no intention of focusing on a single trait in our selection program but have yet to construct the functional model which will guide us in optimizing multiple selection criteria. All in all, our economic yield is likely to be defined by how we market the different carbon streams partitioned by the tree. So this is an interim report.
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