More than a ton of fruit harvested to date, with the scoring system providing essential insight to the trees upon which to concentrate. All category 3 tree fruit is still in the field, awaiting the final nuts to fall before the nut count is done. Fruit from all scored trees has been counted, with category 1 trees averaging about 20 nuts per tree and category 2 about 70 nuts per tree. Category 3 trees are well up into the hundreds of nuts.
Some modifications to the wet processing area were undertaken, with significant improvement in effectiveness and efficiency.
The full report will follow once harvest is complete.
Hi I live near Teeswater and am keenly interested in black walnuts . I have about 300 acres and have numerous black walnut trees both on the farm and in my area . I have about 5 acres of seedlings heartnuts which have produced about 3 dozen nuts this year the rest succumbed to frost. I would like to access some high percent yield balck walnuts seeds this fall yet if possible. I have about 3 bushels of nuts which i have harvested so will not go hungry this winter for snacks. I would like to correspond with anyone wishing to exchange some nuts from another area which are potentially good producers . Looking forward to hearing from other black walnut growers. thanks
Starrocks: You didn't send me your email address, so I can't reply directly. I will have seed available for purchase if you want it. My high yielders get harvested last so it will be at least another week.
Hi Neil , I am new to blog so sorry for not being more explicit and visible. my email address is sbdeboer@wightman.ca
I harvested from three black wlanuts today and did a rough % yeild on them and it ranged from 15,17,, and 29 % nut meat yeild on 5 nuts jsut a rough figure but i was impressed with the 29% yeild. Perhaps you are familiar with it as it was a seedling from E. Grimo named Emma K which i planted probably 25-20 years ago. I got upwards of 7 bushels of nuts with husks on from the tree. Thanks for the reply Simon
Hi Neil and others; I would really like to make email contact with you also re black walnuts . I have a seedling tree which I planted over 25 years ago and thought I must check its nut yield and found it is about 28% . I was a seedling Emma K which i got from Niagara on the lake . Have another 3 bushels of nuts for the winter. My email address is sbdeboer@wightman.ca Would like to get some of your selections Thanks Simon
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