Thursday, November 15, 2007

So, how many trees to a tank of gas?

Black Walnut Carbon Sequestration, Field 3 Lostwithiel Farm

2003 2004 2005 2006
Average C per tree (kg) 2.37 3.54 5.56 6.98
Annual C increment per tree (kg)
1.16 2.02 1.42
Annual C increment per tree (%)
49.0% 57.1% 25.6%
Litres of gasoline equivalent in increment (l) 1.88 3.26 2.29
Tree equivalents per 50 litre tank of gas 26.64 15.35 21.82

What I really mean by this is, how many trees of the average age and size of the trees we have in Field 3 will it take to sequester the carbon emitted by combustion of 50 litres of gas? The answer is, currently, about 20. You can see that the trees are growing quite rapidly, increasing in sequestering capacity by about 50% per year (except 2006, which was very wet and cool, and apparently not favourable for growth; a substantially thinner cone was laid down in 2006 than 2005. We won't know about 2007 until we take measurements while the trees are still dormant in April 2008). Annual estimates are made on the increment in sequestration capacity, and not on the basis of total carbon fixed.

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